Saturday, August 20, 2011

Ready To Give My First Tour! (I think.....!)

After my “introduction” to our live reptile collection, I was definitely (maybe...) ready to give my first tour.  That tour would happen a few days after our “nameless” guide taught me the reptile portion of our tours.  The day before the tour, our director (we can call him Matthew because that’s his name.) took me under his wing and went through the museum one on one giving me a plethora of knowledge on what makes a good docent great. Clearly I wasn’t going to be a “great” docent the next day, still working on that one, as a matter of fact.

The “big” day arrived and I waited with eager anticipation (and a slight knot in my stomach) for the buses to roll in.  Yes, that’s right school buses, I was nervous to give a tour to second graders, that age group is brutal you know. Okay, they aren’t brutal, but they are extremely knowledgeable in all things dinosaur.

As luck would have it, this group was a great group of kids, they took it easy on me, thank goodness!  They had questions that I’d been prepared to answer and wouldn’t you know, by the end, I’d made some new friends.  I had two kids run up and hug me after the tour, they were  going on and on about what a great trip they had to our museum.  Then and there, I knew this was the place for me. Kids always win my heart over and between the kids, the staff/volunteers we have here and the dinosaurs, I was sold. This is my home and you all get to come and visit me right here, lucky you (ha)!

Careful: You never know when this Museum Assistant will be running around with her camera to document her life here at MNHM!

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