Saturday, July 23, 2011

And So The Journey Begins....

Have you ever found yourself wide-eyed and full of curiosity in a foreign land, but just wishing you spoke the native language of this place?  That is exactly how I felt walking into the doors of my new job as the Museum Assistant at Morrison Natural History Museum. Sure, I knew some very basic dinosaur facts (okay, I knew the T. rex was a carnivore and the Triceratops was a big vegetarian), but let’s be honest, my knowledge of paleontology was (and still is) sub-par.  My background, and the reason I was brought into the museum is heavy in non-profit work, social media, customer service and the like. While this job wasn’t something I’d imagined myself doing, it’s awakened a seemingly dormant curiosity within myself.

I went home after my first day armed with books, notes and so many questions running through my mind. What did Colorado look like during the Jurassic Period? What did it look like during the Cretaceous Period? Wait, which came first - the Jurassic or the Cretaceous? How do they KNOW which came first? There were no mountains during either the Jurassic OR the cretaceous? Get outta here! I’ve lived in Colorado for 27 of my 30 years - the mountains are all I know!  I didn’t write down any of these questions as I was sure I’d get the answers in due time at the museum (and I was right, I did!).

Are you wondering the answers to the above questions? Well, the Jurassic came first and then the Cretaceous, and no-there were no mountains in what is now known as Colorado during those times. Okay, not entirely true, the Rocky Mountains did start forming at the very end of the Cretaceous.

This, my friends, is where my journey as The Accidental Dino Geek begins....stay tuned!


This would be the face behind the name.

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